
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Homemade Gravenstein Applesauce

Last weekend my parents brought us a huge box of organic Gravenstein apples from their farm (Sophie’s Five Acres).  The beautiful aroma from the apples is filling my kitchen.  It smells amazing!  

Homemade Gravenstein Applesauce
Gravenstein apples do not have a long shelf life, so it’s best to use them as soon as you can.  They make wonderful applesauce and breakdown very easily when cooking. Enjoy this applesauce as a snack, side dish or a simple dessert.

Equipment: Juicer (optional), Large Stainless Steel or Enamel Saucepan w/ lid

  • 12 organic Gravenstein apples, peeled, cored, cut into ½ inch chunks
  • ½ cup fresh organic apple juice
  • 1 tablespoon pasture butter (See Resources)
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon raw/unheated honey or real organic maple syrup (optional)

1.     Prep apples.  Cut in half, core, and cut into ½ inch chunks.  I cut the apple half in thirds, then turn and cut in thirds again (see picture).  There’s no science here, prep the apples however you’d like.

2.    In a large saucepan, add pasture butter and melt over low heat.
3.    Add apple juice, apple chunks and cinnamon to the saucepan.

Fresh Gravenstein Apple Juice
4.    Cover and simmer on low heat for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
5.     Remove lid, let simmer for about 25 minutes or until most of the liquid has evaporated. 
6.    Add honey or maple syrup to applesauce (if desired).  Stir until dissolved, about 1 minute.  
7.     Remove from heat. 
8.    At this point, the apples have mostly broken down with a few remaining chunks. If you’d like the texture to be more smooth, mash it with a potato masher, use an immersion blender, food processor or blender to make the applesauce completely smooth.

9.    Serve hot or chilled.

Yield: Makes about 3 cups cooked.

Note: If you have a juicer, juice about 4 apples to make ½ cup apple juice, otherwise, choose a fresh organic apple juice to use. 

Storage: This will keep for a few days in the refrigerator.  If not using right away, store in the freezer in freezer-safe containers.  I place some in BPA-free ice cube trays and pop some out when I need them.  One cube equals 2 tablespoons.  

This post is part of Ultimate Recipe Swap @ Life As Mom and Gluten-Free Wednesdays @ The Gluten-Free Homemaker.


  1. This looks so good, I wish I could have some now! Thanks for sharing it at Gluten-Free Wednesdays.

  2. Thank you so much for the recipe! I had to triple mine because my apples were dwarf Gravenstein apples, but all is good!

  3. Can I have permission to use a black and white version of the apples in the round bowl in my book on the theory of knowledge?

    1. Thank you for asking first. My photos are not available for use in books. My photos can only be used on your blog or website if you are referring to an original post and you link back to the original post with credit to Emily at Recipes to Nourish Thank you.


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