
Friday, September 2, 2011

Sautéed Cauliflower Greens & Kale Chiffonade

If you’ve never had Cauliflower Greens, you’ve been missing out.  They have a wonderful sweet flavor and are absolutely scrumptious!  Unless you are making large quantities of Cauliflower, chances are you won’t have too many Cauliflower Greens to use.  In this case, I’ve found they pair well with Kale.  The two together are so delicious and they’re jammed packed with nutrition. 

Sautéed Cauliflower Greens & Kale Chiffonade
This side dish is so delicious and easy to make.  Don’t skimp on the fat, the pasture butter adds a lot of flavor to the greens as well as helps with the absorption of vitamin K.

Equipment: Large Saucepan w/ Lid, Medium-Size Bowl. 

  • Cauliflower greens from 2 cauliflower heads, remove inner stem
  • 2 small bunches of Dino kale*, remove inner stem
  • 2 tablespoons pasture butter or fat of choice (See Resources)
  • ¼ teaspoon Celtic sea salt (See Resources)

1.     Wash cauliflower greens and kale, shake dry in kitchen towels or in a salad spinner.  Make sure to look for bugs.

2.    Prep greens, remove inner stem (you can leave some of the thin cauliflower stem, but make sure to remove the larger part).  To prepare the chiffonade, roll up the cauliflower greens like a you would a jelly-roll.  Slice crosswise into about ¼-inch thick slices, set aside in bowl.  Repeat the same method with the kale leaves. 

3.    Melt 2 tablespoons pasture butter in large pan over medium-high heat.
4.    Add cauliflower greens and kale to saucepan. 

5.     Stir over medium-high heat for about 5 minutes.

6.    Remove saucepan from heat.  Season with sea salt.
7.     Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator for later. 

Yield: Makes about 2 cups cooked. 

*My favorite kale is Dino/Dinosaur/Lacinato, but any kale would be fine. 

This post is part of Seasonal Sunday @ Real Sustenance.  


  1. i just posted about drying my extra greens, but I never would have thought to eat the greens from cauliflower! I love kale, and most often have it in fried crispy potatoes added right towards the end. Mmmmm....

  2. @Farmgirl Cyn, I think you'll love them! They are SOOOO good! The way you make the kale sounds delish :) Thanks for sharing.

  3. I'm so glad to see someone else pushing cauliflower greens! They are delightful, and any gardener who had put that much effort into growing a plant understands how sad it is to put useful and delicious food into the compost/trash. Brccoli green are equally delicious.

  4. Wow! I had no idea that cauliflower and broccoli greens were good to eat...I love the idea of expanding our range of edible greens, as it's easy to get bored of the same dishes over and over. Looking forward to seeing more recipes using unusual greens!

    ~ Lisa @ Allergy Free Vintage Cookery

  5. Hi Lisa, they are so delicious, I think you'll enjoy them. Take care :)


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