
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Grain-Free Banana Pancakes

I started making these pancakes for my daughter a few years ago.  They are super easy to make and taste delicious.

Grain-Free Banana Pancakes
These make a great breakfast or a simple snack.

Equipment: Small Skillet or Griddle, Small Plate, Medium Bowl

  • 1 organic banana
  • 1 pastured egg
  • ¼-½ teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon pasture butter or fat of choice (See Resources)

1.     Melt butter in small skillet over low heat.
2.    Mash banana on a small plate with a fork. 

3.    Crack egg into medium-size bowl.  Mix with a fork to combine yolk.  Add mashed banana to the egg, mix with the fork to combine. 

4.    Turn skillet up to medium heat.  Add large spoonful (about 2-3 tablespoons) of “batter” to the pan.  Fat should start to make bubbles around the sides of the pancake.    

5.     Cook pancake for about 1-2 minutes or until pancake has set.  The bottom-side should be golden brown and golden brown around the edges.  Flip and cook for another 1-2 minutes. 
6.    Repeat until “batter” is gone. 
7.     Serve hot. 

Yield: Makes about 3-4 small pancakes.

Note: These are not your average wheat-based fluffy pancakes.  They make a thin pancake.

Serving Suggestions: Serve with extra pasture butter, ghee or coconut oil and pure organic maple syrup grade B, local honey or all-fruit jam.

Amazon links are affiliate links, prices are the same for you.  Should you decide to purchase through my blog, thank you in advance and much gratitude for supporting Recipes to Nourish.

This post is part of Grain-Free Real Food Linky Carnival @ Real Food Forager, Full Plate Thursday @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage, and Fat Camp Friday @ Mangoes and Chutney.


  1. We just love Banana's and would really enjoy your pancakes, they look awesome! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great week and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  2. Hey Emily, We used to make these all the time before we discovered William's allergy to eggs. They're such a yummy, quick breakfast, aren't they?

  3. Hi Shanon, they are! I'm still trying to figure out if eggs are an offender for little love too, we shall see. I removed them for a long time and reintroduced them, I may take them out again to see if there is some improvement.

  4. What a grate idea to use banana! I have a kid hwo has gluten allergy who wil love theese pancakes.

  5. Great Recipe! Made them for my big kids (teenagers) today. We loved them. Thanks for this super simple breakfast solution! : )

  6. To whomever posted this recipe: you're a genius! I made these for my 16-month old toddler and she loved them. I put jam on them for her, and Nutella on for myself! Thanks!

  7. @ Mare, thank you, that's very sweet of you. I'm so happy that your little one loved them. Thanks again :)

  8. OH! MY! GOODNESS!!! Made these this morning, couldn't imagine how it would work with no "flour" and they were AWESOME ... everyone LOVED them!!! These are so simple, so delicious AND nutritious --- Thank you!!!

    1. Thank you SO much for your kind words! I'm so happy to hear you all enjoyed them. xo

  9. Love these Pancakes!! Where did you get your plates?!

    1. Thank you! I've had that plate since I was a little girl, I just have one left, I have no idea where my mom bought them though.

  10. YUM!!! So so good, thank you for sharing!

  11. these are great - thanks for the recipe. i have a very basic question about this and other recipes on the skillet. I seem to be able to make only a few at a time in the pan. Do I keep adding butter (or other fat) to the pan after each pancake gets made? This not only seems to use a lot of butter but the butter gets to brown immediately from hitting a hot pan.

    1. Yes I would recommend adding more fat if the pan needs it. Since all cookware is different, you might try turning down the heat a bit if you feel the butter is getting too brown. It shouldn't turn dark brown immediately hitting the pan, so my guess is the pan may be too hot.

  12. thanks so much! i am just starting out on the WAPF way of thinking for me and my kids and look forward to learning lots from you and others who are sharing their good work!

    1. Aww thanks for your kind words! That's so great that you're learning more about WAPF, you're going to love it.


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