
Monday, October 17, 2011

Slippery Elm “Candies” for Coughs

Slippery Elm is wonderful for pesky coughs.  It helps soothe irritations, moisten dry throats and calm coughs.  When paired with raw honey (which is naturally antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal) it provides a wonderful natural remedy for coughs.

Slippery Elm “Candies”
These are so easy to make.  Make sure to always have some slippery elm powder on hand. 

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Equipment: Small bowl

  • ¼ cup slippery elm powder (buy slippery elm powder here)
  • 3 tablespoons raw honey (I use local raw clover creamed)
  • 3 tablespoons raw cacao powder or carob powder
  • ½ - 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon gluten free organic vanilla extract (I use Simply Organic)

1.    In a small bowl, add all ingredients.  With clean hands, mix to combine until it forms a dough.

2.   Break off small pieces of dough (about ½ - 1 teaspoon) and roll into little balls.  You can also roll dough into a thin “snake” and break off small pieces to roll into balls.

3.    Place in a bowl and leave out on the counter covered.  They will start to dry out a little becoming more like a lozenge.  They can be consumed right away as is or when they have dried. 

Yield: Makes about 40 mini "candies."

Dosage: Suck on these “candies” as often as needed.  Safe for children too (not babies due to the raw honey). 

Note: If you do not care for cacao or carob, omit and replace with extra slippery elm powder. 

Disclaimer: ALL information you read on Recipes to Nourish is purely for informational and educational purposes only.  I love to share and share with love, but I am not a health care practitioner.  This information is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.  If you have questions about food, diet, nutrition, natural remedies or holistic health, please do your own research and consult with your health care practitioner.  

This post is part of Wildcrafting Wednesday @ Mind Body and Sole.


  1. I made these today for my 3 yo who has a cough. I only had 1/8 cup slippery elm, so I used 1/8 cup acerola powder in addition. They taste great! I hope they help!

  2. Oh what a great idea Sarah! I love the added vitamin C. I hope they help some. They have been helping me a great deal with the cough I have. Take care, be well.

  3. Can you store these? Thanks for all the wonderful recipes!

  4. I have always kept them out on the counter for about a week (in an airtight container), they seem to keep well, just continue to dry out over the days. I have never kept them longer than a week, so I am not positive on storage, sorry. Hope that helps some.

  5. Thank you Emily! I finally made these. Finally had a reason to as I have a painful sore throat that started last night. It feels much better after eating some of this "candy". I didn't get as much yield as the recipe suggested and perhaps my dough was too wet and sticky so a lot of it ended up on my hands. Next time I think I will try with Marshmallow root powder instead of slippery elm bark since I have both on hand currently.

    1. Hope you feel better soon! The "dough" should be pretty dry, you can always add more slippery elm powder to help absorb some of the moisture if there is too much.

  6. The last few colds I’ve had started with a sore throat and then turned into full-blown colds that lasted for weeks. This time when I felt a sore throat coming on – and it was accompanied by aches and chills – I immediately started sucking on the slippery elm candies I’d made earlier. Within 2 days I was back to normal! Of course, I don’t know if I was ‘cured’ by the candies, but I’m going to take them whenever I feel a cold or sore throat coming on.

    1. That's so great that they helped. Slippery Elm is pretty great stuff, I'm glad you're feeling better.

  7. I found this recipe of your a while ago. My children have been pretty healthy until now. 4 out of 5 of them have a cold with a cough. My daughter woke up and was miserable. I gave her one of these "candies", and I have not heard her cough anymore. Thank you for posting this recipe.

    1. I'm so glad they're helping! I hope they all feel better soon. Take care of you too.

  8. U saved me!There is another 3-year old here. You know what it means:)


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