
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Adventures of Enaz

My dear friend Heather and her sweet 7 year old son Zane just announced the birth of a project that they've been working on for the last 6 months ... The Adventures of Enaz!

Zane was diagnosed early in his life with Cerebral Palsy and Pervasive Sensory Disorder along the Autism Spectrum.  Heather and Zane are raising money to go to AMMA's ashram in India for 3 months to offer a place of stillness for Zane's nervous system, to heal through yoga and meditation.  

I feel inspired to share their story with my loyal, supportive readers.

Please take a moment to watch (less than 5 minutes of your time) and read more about their campaign/quest.  

I have known Heather for 5 years.  She’s one of the most beautiful people I have ever met.  She has given her love, energy and attention to so many.  She is a doula, CMT body worker, midwifery student/apprentice, herbal/nutrition consultant and a FABULOUS mommy.  Heather is an inspiration for me, one of the best mother’s I have ever known and is a role model for me in my own parenting of my daughter.  I am honored to call her my friend and so grateful to know her.   

Heather is such a compassionate, loving, devoted mother and she deeply values Zane as a person.  Zane is truly a special boy, and I hope that his story will inspire you.

From Adventures of Enaz:
"I am passionate about seeing what the possibilities are in healing for Zane. For those of us with children with special needs or children in our lives in general, we know first hand what life can feel like when we are limited in how to support them in reaching their potential.  
I believe in looking at life through different lenses. That each person is unique in what their soul may be needing to find the balance that it seeks." 
~ Heather Diamond, Pioneer Mama 
Check out the Adventures of Enaz and read more about their story on Indiegogo.

Thank you so much for your time and deep gratitude for any support.  If you feel inspired by Heather and Zane’s story, please help support, donate if you can, and help spread the word.

Love and Light,

Why this is relevant here: Heather is another holistic mommy on a beautiful journey, one who truly understands the beauty of nourishing REAL food, herbs, homeopathics, and holistic health.  I have witnessed the way she cooks for and nourishes Zane, the beautiful food she prepares for him.  I have always been inspired by her knowledge of nutrition and herbs … she has made me some of the most special herbal tea blends, which I happily made into infusions. 


  1. Your friend sounds just amazing. We need these special people in our lives. And you're an amazing friend for sharing and spreading the word. It sounds like they are going to need lots of support. We would love to help anyway we can! :-) Donating for sure. We wish Heather and Zane love and healing.

    Be Well,

    1. Thank you so much Amber! Your sweet words made me smile. I know Heather and Zane feel your love, thank you so much for helping.

      Love and light.

  2. I am so deeply touched that you posted our adventure here on your beautiful pages. I AM INSPIRED by YOU my friend Emily!!! Thank you for holding these nourishing ways of feeding our soul alive. We are truly connected as we weave our web in community. Ans that you Amber and others for taking the time to read about our campaign for healing. Nameste..Heather and Zane

    1. Well I am inspired by you! Thank you for your beautiful words. My love to you xoxox


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