
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Carrot-Celery-Ginger Juice & Migraine Remedies

Migraines, yuck!  If you have ever had one, you know what I mean.  I am struggling to fight one off today.  It feels like an awful battle, especially when you cannot take a break because your job as mommy must go on. 

I have been getting migraines since my high-school years and they are horrible.  From the research I have done on migraines, the majority of them are caused by an imbalance (nutrition related), tension, food sensitivities or food that is toxic to the body (that can be different for each person, food reacts differently for all of us).  Some are cause by genetics, but the majority of them are caused from nutrition or lack of it. 

Before I changed my diet, I used to get them ALL the time.  Now I normally get them once a month, and they seem to be cycle-related.  I’m still trying to figure out the exact component that causes them.  In the mean time, I need remedies that can help lessen the symptoms or help it go away faster. 

This brings me to juicing.  I seem to get some relief if I juice, especially when I start to feel a migraine coming on.  The quicker I get started on remedies, the more effective they seem to be.  Juicing seems to help cleanse the body right away.  And really, if there is something toxic in your system, you want to get it out fast!  Juicing is a great way to cleanse.  The best juicing combination I have found for migraines is carrot + celery + ginger.  I don’t have any “science” behind this, it just seems to be what helps me, and it tastes good too!

Other Remedies I Use Along w/ Juicing:

NOTE: These are things that have worked for me.  If you are pregnant or nursing, please speak with your midwife or health care practitioner about using any of these remedies.  This info is purely for informational and educational purposes only.  I am not a health care practitioner ... if you have any questions, please ask your health care practitioner.  

What NATURAL remedies have worked for you?

Carrot-Celery-Ginger Juice
Fresh, sweet, creamy and a little spicy.   

Equipment: Juicer

  • 4-5 large organic carrots, washed and scrubbed
  • 1-2 stalks organic celery, washed
  • 1 inch chunk fresh organic ginger, peeled

1.     Prep juicer, carrots and ginger. 
2.    Juice ginger first, then celery, then carrots.

3.    Serve immediately, drink as is or pour over a small amount of ice. 

Yield: Makes a little more than 1 cup of juice.

Tip: To “peel” ginger, scrape ginger “skin” off with a spoon, it comes off so easily this way. 

Note: Don’t forget to rinse the juicer parts after juicing.  You don’t want to have dried pulp remnants that you can’t clean off later. 

Disclaimer: ALL information you read on Recipes to Nourish is purely for informational and educational purposes only.  I love to share and share with love, but I am not a health care practitioner.  This information is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.  If you have questions about food, diet, nutrition, natural remedies or holistic health, please do your own research and consult with your health care practitioner. 

Amazon links are affiliate links, prices are the same for you.  Should you decide to purchase through my blog, thank you in advance and much gratitude for supporting Recipes to Nourish.


  1. I've never gotten migranes, but my husband does get them occasionally. I usually use a little bit of reflexology to help take the edge off. We found this purely by happenstance.

    There seems to be a point on the palm of you hand near the thumb joint, that when pressed, works amazingly well. You'll know you've found the spot because it will be incredibly tender. Work this spot and surrounding area with your other thumb until you feel it start to lessen. Then switch hands. Not a very scientific explanation, but it really does help!

    Hope you're feeling better soon!

  2. Thanks so much for the tip Shanon! I am feeling much better today :)

  3. Ginger is known to have migraine relieving properties, so you're definitely on to something with this combination!

    Chef Marcus Samuelsson talks about it on his blog:

    "Research has shown that ginger may provide migraine relief due to its ability to stop prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in blood vessels."

    I'm very interested in trying juicing, but I haven't purchased a juicer yet.

    I have chronic migraines, and while I do use pharmaceuticals, I'm always looking for new options and love trying alternative therapies and remedies.

  4. Im also always looking for natural migraine remedies and will definitely give this one a try!
    Mine are less frequent and intense since using Alexander Technique, for me they are stress/tension related. Also a really simple thing that helps me if I catch it early enough is a combination of magnesium oil rubbed on the back of my neck and shoulders, and then tiger balm on my temples, forehead, behind my ears and base of skull, and then if I can fresh air and walking.

    Love your recipes, Iv just foraged a elderberries and rosehips and am going to make the syrup tomorrow :)

    1. Thank you, you are so sweet. That's a great idea with the magnesium oil! A good massage sounds great too with essential oils or tiger balm like you said. Take care.

  5. I used to suffer from the worst migraines, they would last for days and sometimes well over a week. I was trapped in a dark room for long periods of time because light and sound were just too much. I now go to a chiropractor because of a back injury and I havent had a migraine in 5 years! I kid you not! 5 years! The juice looks wonderful and i will try it just because it looks so energizing! Please please try chiropractic for your migraines! you will not be sorry! good luck <3

    1. That's wonderful that you haven't had one in so long :) I have used chiropractic care too, I wish it had worked for me in that way, but it didn't, although during days when I had one, I felt some relief after getting adjusted. I am a big supporter of chiropractic care, it's wonderful.

  6. Do you drink the juice daily to prevent migraines and/or when you have a migraine?

    1. No, I don't drink it daily to prevent, it was just something I randomly tried one day when I had one and was feeling desperate.

  7. I was discussing those "cycle related" headaches with my chiropractor. He recommended I try omega/fish oils. I use either Ascenta NutraSea or Nordic Naturals in order to keep the mercury levels as low as possible (both of these companies have lower levels than they are even required to have). As I see the first day of my cycle approaching, I make sure I don't miss a day and may even double the dose (I take it routinely). Just a suggestion you may want to look into. Hope you are feeling some relief soon!

    1. Thanks Christy, you're so sweet. I do take fermented cod liver oil daily from Green Pastures. I haven't had a migraine in a while since I'm pregnant, but I'm guessing I will need to revisit this again if I get a migraine.

  8. I haven't found any natural remedies that make the migraine go away, but I do use lavender and peppermint essential oil topically, on my temples (diluted with a carrier oil). It is soothing, at least. I'm intrigued by the magnesium oil idea.

    1. I love the essential oils too. I am going to try out the magnesium oil at some point too.

  9. I have suffered with migraines on/off for years and colonics worked for me. Toxins were the culprit. Then four months ago, I quit my job and that day was the last time a migraine crossed my path. It was the stress or the overhead lights. Whatever it was, I am so glad to not be disabled by them anymore.

  10. I get migraines with an aura. I also find i get them at certain times of the month or when i haven't had enough sleep. I will certainly try this recipe. Thank you.

  11. Mine are triggered by extreme exercise and overheating. Happened after riding across Wyoming in 2001 and nearly having heat stroke and being dehydrated. Now it's just exertion and heat. Lavender helps if I catch it in time. Tried the juice tonight but was already in the midst of the migraine. Going to lighten up on the pure fit training until I get readjusted. Plus I'm now back East where heat and humidity abound. Was in Colorado for 10 years and very little humidity.

  12. I used to get migraines often, too, and now they are basically cycle-related. Such great ideas here and love the juice recipe. I do keep peppermint oil close at hand. If I start to get the aura, I inhale the oil, one nostril at a time, then put a drop on my tongue, and rub my temples.

  13. I don't have a juicer, but do have a Ninja blender. Can I make a kind of smoothie instead, with water, then strained?

    1. Good question. I am not sure or familiar with a Ninja blender. If it's similar to a powerful blender like a Vitamix, then I'd bet you could make a smoothie with the ingredients.


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