
Friday, October 5, 2012

News @ Recipes to Nourish

Enjoying a chilly day at the beach with my Little Love. 

Things have been quieter around here lately, for a few special reasons…

Little Love on her first day of Kindergarten

My Little Love started Kindergarten at a local Waldorf school this September.  We’ve been making some changes to our rhythm at home and adjusting to this new wonderful transition.  Little Love really loves school and has already made some dear friends.  I am so excited for her adventure there. 

Little Love hanging out in the tree at school.

And the big news – Little Love is going to be a big sister!  I am absolutely thrilled and so excited about our baby.  I love being pregnant and feel truly blessed.  Like I experienced with Little Love, the first trimester was a bit challenging with nausea and feeling tired all the time, so I had to put blogging on the back burner for a while.  I needed to focus on Little Love and take care of myself. 

Little Love and a picture of her baby sister.

We recently found out that we’re having a girl!  We are all so excited and can’t wait to meet her (mid Winter 2013).  Little Love really wanted a little sister.  Months before we knew, she drew a picture of her little sister playing with her at the park, she just knew.  Little Love is beyond excited for her baby sister.  She talks about how she can’t wait to hold and care for her little sister.  She’s already requested to be the one that gets to pick out the baby's outfits, she even asked if she could make a birthday hat for her baby sister to wear to her birthday party (she’s already planning her birthday party in the spring and knows her baby sister will be here then).  She’s asked if she can get to hold her each day when the baby is napping so she can sing her lullabies.  She keeps coming up with new ideas, things she wants to do with her, things she wants to share with her and things she wants to teach her.  It’s so sweet.

I am really looking forward to my second homebirth.  I have the most amazing midwives, I am truly grateful for them.  I have wonderful support around me too, my sweet Little Love, my loving fiancé, my family and my dear friends.    

So ... I am trying to find balance with blogging.  It can be challenging at times.  I will still be posting recipes, but not as often as I used to. 

The best way to make sure you don’t miss a post is to Subscribe/Follow by Email - you will find the box to subscribe in the top right-hand corner of my blog.  Simply add in your email address, and every time there is a new post, you will be emailed directly.  You can also "Like" me on Facebook, which is normally the best way to contact me and also keep up with posts.    

Love and light,



  1. Congratulations Emily! We're so happy for you!

    Just a little heads up - I don't know if your email subscribe button is working properly. I've submitted my email twice, but I still don't get any updates from you! Hopefully, it is just a problem on my end.

    Enjoy this time at home with your family! --Shanon

    1. Thanks so much Shanon! I hope all is well with you.

      Shoot, I wish I understood all of the computer stuff more, as you know that's not my area, I have no idea how to even check if it's working. If you have any suggestions, let me know.


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