
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Avocado & Nectarine Seaweed Wraps

These delicious seaweed (Nori) wraps make a perfect snack or appetizer.   The avocado and nectarine go great together.  They are easy to assemble and make a yummy vegan snack. 

Avocado & Nectarine Seaweed Wraps
Sweet Nectarines and Creamy Avocados = A Perfect Combination.

  • 4 sheets toasted organic seaweed/Nori (See Resources)
  • 1 organic avocado, cut in half, remove pit, cut into thin slices
  • 1 organic nectarine, cut in half, remove pit, cut into thin slices
  • Celtic sea salt (See Resources)
  1. Prep avocado and nectarine.  Cut in half, remove pits, cut into thin slices or dice into small chunks, place in small bowl or on plate.  Season with Celtic sea salt.   

  1. Stack Nori together, fold and break into 4 squares (use 1 sheet to make 4 squares).  
  2. Keep Nori squares separate from avocado and nectarines until ready to eat.  Any moisture will soften the Nori. 
  3. Option 1: Serving as an Appetizer – Mix avocado and nectarine pieces together in a small serving bowl.  Serve the Nori on a separate dish, this way they do not get soggy.  People can assemble their own wrap, adding a small amount of avocado-nectarine filling into the Nori square.  Roll or wrap up, eat right away.  Option 2: Eating Right Away - You can wrap up/roll the ingredients and eat it as is, but make sure you are eating it right away or the moisture from the avocado and nectarine will soften the Nori.  It still will taste fine if it gets soft, you just won’t have that crunch from the Nori anymore.
You can also leave the Nori sheet whole and roll it up.

Yield: 2 servings, this recipe can be doubled.  It is also easy to increase the ingredients for the amount of people you need to serve. 

Tip: Get creative, add whatever ingredients you would like to the Nori wrap.  

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