
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sautéed Kale w/ Pasture Butter

Kale is a favorite at my house.  My little love will not eat many vegetables, but this one she will gobble up.  This makes me happy because kale is very nourishing.  This dark leafy green is jam-packed with antioxidants, calcium, iron, magnesium, folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K.  It’s available year-round and easy to find at farmers markets.  It also helps boost milk-production for lactating moms.  

Sautéed Kale w/ Pasture Butter
This side dish is so delicious and simple to make.  The pasture butter adds a lot of flavor to the kale as well as helps with the absorption of vitamin K. Don’t skimp on the fat!  

Equipment: Large pan with lid. 

  • 2 small bunches of kale*, washed, remove inner stem, tear into 1-2 inch chunks
  • 2-3 tablespoons pasture butter or fat of choice (See Resources)
  • ¼-½ cup bone broth, broth or water
  • ¼ teaspoon Celtic sea salt (See Resources)

1.     Wash kale and shake dry in kitchen towels or in a salad spinner.  Make sure to look for bugs since it’s organic.

2.    Melt 2 tablespoons pasture butter in large pan over medium-high heat.
3.    Add ¼ cup bone broth to pan. 
4.    Add kale chunks to pan. 

5.     Stir over medium-high heat for about 5 minutes.

6.    Remove pan from heat and cover with lid for about 5-7 minutes.
7.     Add 1 tablespoon butter to kale, stir until melted. (Optional) 
8.    Season with sea salt and serve. 

Yield: Makes about 2 cups cooked. 

*My favorite kale is Dino/Dinosaur/Lacinato, but any kale would be fine.  If I can’t find Dino, I usually buy Red Russian kale. 

Tip: When I make batches of bone broth, I freeze some in BPA-free ice cube trays.  One ice cube equals about 2 tablespoons.  When I make a recipe that calls for small amounts of bone broth, I have tablespoon measurements ready to go. Just toss in 2-4 frozen bone broth cubes for this recipe.   

Note: I like to add 1 extra tablespoon of pasture butter at the end.  I find that this adds a nice finishing touch.  It also adds an extra level of flavor.  This step is completely optional.  


  1. This was so good. Made it tonight for dinner, and we loved it. Thanks for sharing!


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