
Friday, April 13, 2012

Grain-Free Carrot Cake Pancakes

My oven stopped working the night before Easter, so that meant the grain-free Carrot Cake that I had planned to make was not in the cards for us.  Little Love was SO looking forward to that Carrot Cake, so I had to come up with something else.  We decided to make pancakes instead, Carrot Cake Pancakes!  They were a huge hit. 


Grain-Free Carrot Cake Pancakes

Advance preparation is required, the dates need to be soaked at least an hour (or soak them overnight, that’s what I do). 

Equipment: Small Bowl, Food Processor or Blender, Medium Size Mixing Bowl, Peeler, Standing Grater, Microplane Zester/Grater, Hand Mixer or Wisk, Large Skillet or Griddle, Flipper Spatula

Soaked Dates/Pureed Date Mixture
·      8 dates
·      Filtered water, enough to cover the dates

Carrot Cake Pancakes
·      4 pastured or organic eggs (See Resources)
·      1 medium size carrot, peeled and finely grated
·      ¼ teaspoon fresh ginger, peeled and grated/minced
·      ¼ cup coconut flour
·      ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
·      ¼ teaspoon baking soda
·      1 tablespoons organic maple syrup grade B
·      ½ pureed date mixture
·      2 tablespoons date soak water
·      2 tablespoons ghee, coconut oil or pasture butter (See Resources)

Cream Cheese Topping
·      7 ounces homemade or organic cream cheese, room temperature
·      2 tablespoons organic maple syrup grade B
·      ½ pureed date mixture
·      2 tablespoons date soak water
·      ½ teaspoon fresh ginger, peeled and finely grated/minced

1.    1 hour prior to making pancakes (or the night before, my preference), place dates in a small bowl and cover with filtered water, about ½ cup of filtered water or enough to completely cover the dates.  Place dates in the refrigerator until ready to use. 

2.   Break dates in half and remove pit.  Add date flesh to food processor fitted with “s-shape” metal blade.  Add a couple of tablespoons of the date soak water to the food processor.  SAVE the date soak water, set aside.  Pulse until dates become pureed.  Add more date soak water if necessary to combine.  Leave in the food processor and set aside (you will use the food processor again, so make sure to leave it as is and set aside).

3.   Start preheating skillet or griddle, melt ghee, coconut oil or pasture butter over medium-low heat.

4.   Pancake Batter: In a medium size mixing bowl add eggs, grated carrot, grated ginger, coconut flour, cinnamon, baking soda, maple syrup, ½ of the pureed date mixture, and 2 tablespoons date soak water.  Using a hand mixer, mix on low speed until all ingredients are combined.

5.    When skillet/griddle is ready, pour about 1/8 cup batter onto skillet/griddle.  Cook for about 2 minutes, flip and cook for another 2 minutes, repeat until all pancake batter is used. 

6.   Cream Cheese Topping: Using food processor with ½ of the pureed date mixture already in it, add cream cheese, maple syrup, 2 tablespoons date soak water and grated ginger.  Pulse until combined and smooth.  Set aside.

7.   To Assemble: Serve pancakes layered, top each pancake with a layer of Cream Cheese Topping, or to make dairy-free, serve pancakes with organic maple syrup grade B.  [Note: You can use a frosting bag or small reclosable plastic bag (cut a small opening in one corner of the bag to make the frosting tip), add topping into frosting bag, pipe topping onto pancakes.]

Yield: Makes about 11 small pancakes.

Storage: If you have extra pancakes leftover, the keep well in the refrigerator and can be reheated over low heat on the stovetop or on a warming temperature in the oven.  Cream Cheese Topping can be stored in the refrigerator for extra use too.  

This post is part of Pennywise Platter Thursday @ The Nourishing Gourmet, Simple Lives Thursday @ A Little Bit of Spain in Iowa, Full Plate Thursday @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage, Freaky Friday @ Real Food Freaks, Fresh Bites Friday @ Real Food Whole Health, Fight Back Friday @ Food Renegade, Monday Mania @ The Healthy Home Economist, Homestead Barn Hop @ The Prairie Homestead, Fat Tuesday @ Real Food Forager, Make Your Own! Monday link-up @ Nourishing Treasures, Traditional Tuesdays @ Cooking Traditional Foods, Slightly Indulgent Tuesday @ Simply Sugar & Gluten-Free, Whole Foods Wednesday Recipe Swap @ This Chick Cooks, Real Food Wednesday @ Kelly the Kitchen Kop, and Allergy-Free Wednesdays Blog Hop @ Gluten Free Pantry.


  1. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Just made carrot cake but will need to try this recipe soon!

    Check it out:

    1. Thank you! That's so kind of you :) I will have to check your blog out, thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Emily,
    I just love Carrot Cake so I know that these pancakes would be fabulous! Hope you are having a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  3. Carrot Cake + Jennifer = deeeeeep love. I make carrot cake pankcakes all the time but these sound sooooo much better! Thank you for this!

    1. I love you mama, you're so awesome ... let's have some carrot cake soon.

  4. I love the concept...carrot cake is one of my favorites. These look so light and fluffy. Yum.

  5. The pancakes look delicious. What a fantastic idea! I'm going to try it.

  6. Congratulations!
    Your recipe is featured on Full Plate Thursday this week. Hope you have a wonderful week end and enjoy your new Red Plate!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen

    1. Thank you SO much Miz Helen! I hope you're having a fabulous weekend.

  7. Just found your blog and I am already in love. :) Those pancakes look great - my boys are obsessed with breakfast foods and I need some new ideas. Thanks!

    1. Hi Suzanne, thank you so much for your kind words! I hope you get to make them and that your boys enjoy them :)

  8. Carrots in a pancake - awesome! I'll definitely be trying that! I love carrots!

    Lovely recipe!

  9. Yum! I love all these ingredients and flavors. I'm going to put this on my "to try" list. We're so glad you linked up this week at Allergy-Free Wednesdays! As always, we hope to see you back again next week.

    ~Michelle, AFW Hostess

  10. Hi Emily,

    These look fantastic! Definitely trying these. We love our weekend pancakes!!

    Have a beautiful weekend.

    Be Well,

    1. Hi Amber, I hope you get a chance to enjoy some weekend pancakes this weekend :) Have a beautiful weekend too. Be well.

  11. Hi Emily,
    I just found your website and love it! I have tried your fudgsicles for my little girl, and they were a hit! Thank you for all the great info.

    1. Thank you so much Lauren, that means so much to me and I love hearing the feedback. Be well.


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