
Friday, July 29, 2011

Baked Kale Chips

I LOVE kale!  It’s one thing that I absolutely crave.  Dehydrated kale chips are fabulous, but when I don’t have the time to wait for the dehydrating process, I bake them. 

Kale is super nourishing and available year round.  It’s loaded with calcium, iron and magnesium.  It also contains vitamin A, vitamin C and folate.  It’s great for breastfeeding moms too because it helps boost milk supply.  Kids also love these crunchy “chips”.  My little one gladly gobbles them down.

Baked Kale Chips

These are so easy to make, great for a snack or a side dish for dinner.  This version is bursting with flavor from fresh lemon juice.  If Meyer lemons are in season, make sure to use them!  Make a bunch because they won’t last long. 

  • 1 large bunch Dino kale (Lacinato Dinosaur Kale)*
  • 2 tablespoons pasture butter, melted (See Resources)
  • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice, about half of a squeezed lemon
  • ¼ teaspoon Celtic sea salt (See Resources)
  • ¼ teaspoon organic kelp granules, optional (I use Maine Coast)

1.     Preheat oven to 315 degrees. Place 9x13 oven-safe pan in oven to get hot.  I use a stoneware (clay) large bar pan which bakes everything beautifully. 
2.    Melt the butter.  I find the easiest way is to melt it in the oven in a 4 oz. mini oven-safe Ramekin.  Otherwise, melt it on the stovetop. 
3.    Wash kale and shake dry in kitchen towels or in a salad spinner.  Make sure to look for bugs since it’s organic.

4.    Break kale into large chunks, about 2” chunks.  You don’t have to remove the stem, it’s loaded with nutrition too, but if you don’t like that extra thickness, remove the stems, then tear into chunks.
5.     Add kale chunks into a large bowl with melted butter, lemon juice and sea salt.  Mix to coat, use your clean hands, they work better than a spoon.

6.    Pour kale onto hot pan in oven, spread evenly and set timer for 10 minutes.

7.     At 10 minutes, stir kale and spread evenly.  Set timer for another 10 minutes, check again. 
8.    They should start to be crispy at this point.  If they are not, leave in for ONLY a few more minutes.  Watch them carefully because they crisp fast and will start to burn and taste a little bitter.  Every oven is different, so make sure to keep an eye on them.

Yield: Makes about 2 cups cooked.

*Dino kale is my favorite, but you could use Curly or Red Russian instead.

Note: Every oven is different, if you feel they are not cooking well (getting crispy enough), increase the temperature to 320 degrees, but make sure to watch them carefully.  If most are crispy and some remain a little soft, take it out of the oven.  Softer pieces taste good too and it’s not worth cooking longer and having burnt kale chips. 

This post is part of Monday Mania @ The Healthy Home Economist, Weekend Gourmet Blog Carnival @ Hartke Is Online, Made From Scratch Tuesday @ From Mess Hall to Bistro, Hearth and Soul Hop @ A Moderate Life, Good & Tasty Tuesday @ Stay At Home Babe, and Ultimate Recipe Swap @ Life As Mom. 


  1. I only heard about kale chips this year, but everyone who's tried them raves about them. I wonder if I could get the kids to eat them?! Thanks for sharing with Made From Scratch Tuesday.

  2. Hi Jen! Oh they are so good! I'm sure your kids will love them. I've found that every kid that tries them loves them and can't get enough. My little love does not care for most vegetables, but she LOVES kale chips. This is one thing I make a lot, at least this way I know she's getting some greens into her diet. I love this baked version (because it's quick and simple), but when I have the extra time, I make dehydrated kale chips, and my little one consumes even more of these (maybe because they are super crunchy). I'll post a recipe for those in the near future. Thanks for visiting!

  3. I love kale chips, I will have to try and find the kale you are referring to. Thanks for sharing with the Hearth n Soul hop.

  4. Hi Melynda, I love kale chips too :) Dino kale is my favorite, but really any kale would be great. I have made it with Red Russian kale before and they turned out just as yummy.

  5. Delish! I just made them. I used a different type of kale. They are fantastic! Thank you for the recipe!

  6. would LOVE to get your dehydrated toddler daughter and I discovered them 2 months ago when we were in NYC for her cancer treatment. I attempted to recreate that at home (to keep the enzymes alive), but it wasn't very successful.

    1. Hi Annabeth, I am so glad the two of you discovered kale chips, what a lovely snack for your sweet little love to have. I do have one raw kale chip recipe on the blog, it's a garlic-herb one, but you can use the recipe to get the idea and use whatever flavors work for you and your family. Lots of love to you and your family. Be well.


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