
Friday, July 29, 2011

Vitamin C Herbal Tea

Herbal tea infusions are so refreshing.  They are hydrating, nourishing and some have medicinal properties.  One of the great benefits of drinking herbal infusions is that the vitamins and minerals are readily available for your body.  You can’t get that from a vitamin supplement.

This tea is high in vitamin C and bioflavonoids.  It’s refreshing on a hot summer day and great to have on hand during cold and flu season. 

The stars of this herbal tea infusion:
  • Rose hips: Very high in vitamin C, more so than many other herbs and foods.  They also contain vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin E, calcium, iron, manganese, selenium and zinc.  They have a wonderful sweet taste.
  • Lemongrass: High in calcium, iron, magnesium and manganese.
  • Cinnamon: Has medicinal properties, is known for it warming effect and aids in digestion.  It also adds a wonderful sweet and spicy flavor to teas.
  • Hibiscus: High in vitamin C and is known for its cooling properties.
  • Fennel seed: Helps with digestion and is excellent for nursing moms.  It helps increase and enrich breastmilk and helps prevent colic or gassiness in babies. 
  • Lemon peel: Added for flavor and adds a bit of vitamin C.
Can’t find bulk herbs locally?  My favorite source for bulk herbs is Mountain Rose Herbs.   They have a wonderful selection of bulk organic herbs at great prices.

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 Vitamin C Herbal Tea Infusion – Enjoy Iced or Hot

  • 4 tablespoons rose hips
  • 1 tablespoon lemongrass
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon chips
  • 1 teaspoon hibiscus flowers
  • 1 teaspoon fennel seed
  • ½ teaspoon lemon peel
  • 4 cups filtered water

  • Ice (optional)
  • Raw honey or fresh fruit juice (optional)

1.     Combine all dried herbs in a medium size bowl, store extra herb mixture in airtight glass container.

2.    Boil water in medium-size saucepan or in a tea kettle.
3.    Bring water to a boil, remove from heat.  Add 4 tablespoons of herb mixture to water. COVER (this ensures that you receive all of the nutritional benefits from the herbs).
4.    Steep 45 minutes.
5.     Strain tea. 
6.    Sweeten with small amount of honey or fresh fruit juice if desired.  If you want to retain some of the beneficial properties of raw honey or fresh juice, add after tea has cooled some.
7.     Store extra tea in the refrigerator up to a week. 

Enjoy iced on a hot summer day or hot on a chilly day. 

My little love enjoying some tea in our backyard.


  1. This is a good idea,I normally buy herbal tea,but never try of making at home.Now I want to try this.Thanks for sharing

  2. Hi Amy, thanks! I think you'll enjoy it, it's nice to be able to put together your own blend at home, then you can come up with any combination too. :)

  3. I bought the herbs, made the tea. I"m struggling with how much herbs to buy at one time. I'm making this tea, your cough drops, your elderberry syrup, this cough syrup:,and your Herbal Tea. Any suggestions on how much herbs to purchase at a time, so I dont run out and have to pay shipping again? Thanks!

  4. I always buy the pound bags of herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs, but that's because there is the extra discount if you purchase larger quantities and I also use a lot of herbs. If you can and if you plan on making any or all of them a lot, I would buy the pound bags of each of the herbs, however, buy smaller bags of the hibiscus and lemon peel because you won't use those as much. I hope that helps some, I just figure the pound bags last longer and if you purchase 5-9 pounds (you can mix and match), you get 10% off.

  5. Outstanding stuff also helpful information. Best of luck Admin..

  6. Such a brilliant idea! I will definitely try this at home. I love your photo with the kid, super cute. Thanks for sharing. :)

    Herbal tea

  7. Isn't vitamin C very heat sensitive?

    1. Possibly in a supplement form, but coming from an herb, the only way to make infusions is by steeping the herbs. Herbalists have been making infusions for hundred of years, rose hips specifically are one of the best sources of vitamin C, and making an infusion with them is the best way to get all of those good nutrients.

    2. I also am not a health care practitioner, but I base what I make on things I have learned from very wise friends, midwives, herbalists, etc.

    3. Hibiscus is an herb/plant that is heat only retains it's health benefits if made as a cold infusion instead of a hot water infusion.

    4. Hmm, I've never heard that Jacqueline. That's not the info that I am familiar with, I get most of my herb info from herbalists Rosemary Gladstar and Susun Weed, and a friend of mine who is an herbalist too.

  8. This tea sounds so refreshing and delightful! I was searching for hibiscus tea and happily found your site. Thanks much! I will be visiting your site often~

    1. Thank you Summer, that's so kind of you. I hope you enjoy the tea as much as we do. Thanks for visiting :)

  9. So beautiful. It makes me want to hit up a herb store in Boulder... but I have enough pricey DIY's going (pricey as in I would buy more things in there than I should, lol). But what a a great DIY project for Holiday prezzies. I do try to make healthier tea drinks with what I have on hand, I rely on good ol' ACV! I will be joining your site ♥ This is as close to a refreshing tea drink I do:


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